Home Forums Discussions Evaluation Committee Timeline for Evaluation

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    • #3700

      Gail Francis

      Hi Evaluation Committee,
      Good to see everyone last week. I just spoke with Pete Plastrik and wanted to drop a line so that everyone knows where we are at in the pipeline.

      Right now they are finishing up a few extra interviews we asked them to conduct (following up with the Steering Committee members they weren’t able to reach before and interviewing a couple working group associates as well). Then Chinwe will be observing the first day of the in-person Steering Committee meeting next week in Chicago.

      A few days thereafter (around April 12), Pete will send me a detailed work plan for the remainder of the work. I will send it out to this committee, and we should all take a careful look at it. If we feel we need to, we will quickly pull together a call of this committee to discuss any concerns or questions.

      Their first draft of the survey will be finished around April 18, and we will need to have a call at that time to discuss any needed changes and to lay out our plan for maximum member participation. (I will send out a poll for availability for that April call separately.)

      Once the survey is complete, there will be a 3-week window for people to complete it. This will put us into the middle of May. We will then have Pete and Chinwe present (over the phone) the initial results of that. From there they will determine what additional interviews or data they still need and then compose the draft report, to be reviewed by us (and perhaps the whole Steering Committee if there seems to be a need for that), before delivering the final report in the last part of June.

      Please let me know if there are any questions or concerns with any part of this. Thanks!


      Gail Francis
      L&P Analyst
      (715) 945-2164
      Ojibwa, WI

    • #3701


      Thanks for the update, Gail. This all sounds good to me.   –Jessica 

      Jessica Boehland
      Program Officer
      The Kresge Foundation
      Troy, MI

      Original Message:
      Sent: 03-31-2011 15:39
      From: Gail Francis
      Subject: Timeline for Evaluation

      Hi Evaluation Committee,
      Good to see everyone last week. I just spoke with Pete Plastrik and wanted to drop a line so that everyone knows where we are at in the pipeline.

      Right now they are finishing up a few extra interviews we asked them to conduct (following up with the Steering Committee members they weren’t able to reach before and interviewing a couple working group associates as well). Then Chinwe will be observing the first day of the in-person Steering Committee meeting next week in Chicago.

      A few days thereafter (around April 12), Pete will send me a detailed work plan for the remainder of the work. I will send it out to this committee, and we should all take a careful look at it. If we feel we need to, we will quickly pull together a call of this committee to discuss any concerns or questions.

      Their first draft of the survey will be finished around April 18, and we will need to have a call at that time to discuss any needed changes and to lay out our plan for maximum member participation. (I will send out a poll for availability for that April call separately.)

      Once the survey is complete, there will be a 3-week window for people to complete it. This will put us into the middle of May. We will then have Pete and Chinwe present (over the phone) the initial results of that. From there they will determine what additional interviews or data they still need and then compose the draft report, to be reviewed by us (and perhaps the whole Steering Committee if there seems to be a need for that), before delivering the final report in the last part of June.

      Please let me know if there are any questions or concerns with any part of this. Thanks!


      Gail Francis
      L&P Analyst
      (715) 945-2164
      Ojibwa, WI

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