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Great Lakes Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking

Communities throughout the Great Lakes Region will receive an infusion of $40 million for environmental justice projects over the next few years, thanks to a new program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). To reduce barriers to federal funding, the EPA has selected grantmakers across the nation to serve as intermediaries for this funding.  that will be administered regionally through a partnership among the RE-AMP Network, Midwest Environmental Justice Network,  and NDN Collective and the Minneapolis Foundation.

RE-AMP and its partners, the Midwest Environmental Justice Network, Minneapolis Foundation, and NDN Collective, have been chosen to administer the program in Region 5 of the EPA.

This program aims to strengthen the capacity of underserved communities to address the environmental and public health challenges they have historically faced, as well as current and future challenges. While this grant program is open to all environmental justice communities in the Great Lakes region, RE-AMP’s role in the partnership focuses on outreach and education in rural and remote communities

RE-AMP has done extensive work building capacity and funding efforts in rural Midwestern communities on clean energy, air and water quality, and energy efficiency. We know that rural environmental justice issues are usually invisible and under-funded. This project provides an unparalleled opportunity to bring resources and attention to environmental injustices in rural communities. RE-AMP is honored to join this partnership and lead the outreach to rural and remote environmental justice communities in our region.” said Melissa Gavin, CEO of the RE-AMP Network.

Melissa Gavin

Grant funding will be distributed with guidance from a Regional Community Advisory Committee, a group of environmental justice leaders reflecting the region’s diversity. The goal is to create a process that will center those most impacted by environmental injustice in the decision-making for this program.

Grants will be awarded to community-based nonprofits and other eligible organizations in the following tiers:

Tier One:

One-year grants of up to $150,000 will be awarded for project assessment. Through a noncompetitive process, we will also award one-year grants of $75,000 for severely capacity-constrained communities under Tier One.

Tier Two:

One- to two-year grants of up to $250,000 will be awarded for community education and project planning.

Tier Three:

Two-year grants of up to $350,000 will be awarded for project development.

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