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    • #3721

      Gail Francis

      Hi Evaluation Committee,
      Thanks to everyone who took the survey as a test user. We got a lot of great feedback and it’s pretty close, with one major area to tackle yet. We need to make it shorter. It did not take anyone less than 35 minutes to fill it out and it took a couple people 1.5 hours. Since our target is 30 minutes, we would expect that some people could whip through it in 20 minutes and others might take about 40 minutes, so we are well off the mark in terms of length. I am attaching my best attempt to shorten it, which I am sharing with Pete & Chinwe today. Please let me know right away if you disagree with anything I have here. I have done some brutal purging, and it pained me to do so. I made my best effort to cut questions that I thought were somewhat redundant or that seemed like might go unused by us or the Steering Committee. However, at this point we had honed the questions pretty well, so there is no question we are losing some valuable questions but in doing so are greatly increasing the chances of having more members take the survey.

      I have also separately compiled all the comments everyone has sent me. Let me know if you want to peruse that document. I’m not including it here b/c it mostly refers to specific questions that you can’t see unless the survey is up, so it’s a little hard to follow.

      Lastly, for marketing the survey, we have kicked around the idea of doing a drawing. We tell people that by completing the survey, they register for a chance to win a really cool bike or something similar. However, I need some guidance from you all. If there are funds available left in the money set aside for this evaluation, do I have your permission to proceed along those lines? If so, up to what dollar amount? Do we need a short call to discuss or can we resolve this over email?  Thanks all.

      Gail Francis
      L&P Analyst
      (715) 945-2164
      Ojibwa, WI

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