Home Forums Discussions Evaluation Committee Revised Survey

1 reply, 1 voice Last updated by Gail Francis 10 years, 6 months ago
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    • #3718

      Gail Francis

      Hi Evaluation Committee,
      The evaluators have revised the survey based on everyone’s feedback. We need to give it one more careful review and then we will have a few folks take the survey to test it out before it gets sent to the entire network. Please look it over once more and provide feedback by COB Wednesday. I am particularly interested in knowing if there are questions that you feel are ESSENTIAL or questions that you feel are not so important. We may need to pare it down further than it already is, so that will help with the final editing.

      Note that in a few places they make reference to a “separate survey.” This was in response to my observation that some of the information that was being asked would not necessarily be known by every person at a given organization or else does not need to be asked of every person, but that the main RE-AMP contact for each NGO would know the answer. They are considering doing a small survey of the main contact person separately to address this.


      Gail Francis
      L&P Analyst
      (715) 945-2164
      Ojibwa, WI

    • #3719

      Gail Francis

      Hey everyone,
      I just wanted to let you know that I have added a document that has the revised survey with my comments. I think it is pretty close to what we need, please take a look and add your own thoughts in by end of day tomorrow. It’s here: http://commons.reamp.org/REAMP/REAMP/Directory/Resources/ViewDocument/Default.aspx?DocumentKey=b19f5c69-e3de-407c-ba21-3e05fb55fcad&MessageKey=8a67df7b-210c-48e3-9e5f-b5acb939bb32

      Gail Francis
      L&P Analyst
      (715) 945-2164
      Ojibwa, WI

      Original Message:
      Sent: 05-16-2011 16:13
      From: Gail Francis
      Subject: Revised Survey

      Hi Evaluation Committee,
      The evaluators have revised the survey based on everyone’s feedback. We need to give it one more careful review and then we will have a few folks take the survey to test it out before it gets sent to the entire network. Please look it over once more and provide feedback by COB Wednesday. I am particularly interested in knowing if there are questions that you feel are ESSENTIAL or questions that you feel are not so important. We may need to pare it down further than it already is, so that will help with the final editing.

      Note that in a few places they make reference to a “separate survey.” This was in response to my observation that some of the information that was being asked would not necessarily be known by every person at a given organization or else does not need to be asked of every person, but that the main RE-AMP contact for each NGO would know the answer. They are considering doing a small survey of the main contact person separately to address this.


      Gail Francis
      L&P Analyst
      (715) 945-2164
      Ojibwa, WI

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