Home Forums Discussions Evaluation Committee Revised Survey

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by RE-AMP Network 10 years, 6 months ago
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    • #3723

      Gail Francis

      Hi Evaluation Committee,
      This email covers three related topics: 1. link to the revised survey, 2. question about mechanism for distribution, and 3. recap of marketing plan.

      1. Revised Survey: Chinwe, Isaac and Peter have re-worked the survey and shortened it considerably. It is now in a second round of testing to ensure that it will be in the 20-minute range for people involved with just one working group and in the 30-minute range for people in multiple groups. I have enlisted some fresh eyes to do this second round of testing. However, if anyone would like to take a look you are welcome to do so at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/RE-AMPSurveyTest2

      2. Method of Distribution: Originally, our evaluators proposed sending the survey out using the capabilities of survey monkey itself. The reason for this is that Survey Monkey can then track who has and has not taken the survey, and follow-up emails can be sent directly to the slackers. However, I have flagged some difficulties with this, which I will discuss below. The alternative is to have them working off an excel spreadsheet of names and periodically doing some cumbersome cross-listing to figure out who needs reminders.
      There are three reasons I see for asking them to take the more cumbersome route. First, some people are unable to receive email from Survey Monkey due to having previously unsubscribed from Survey Monkey’s lists. These people would not be able to access the survey at all if we use Survey Monkey’s tracking capabilities. Secondly, no one but Survey Monkey would be able to send a link to the survey, though they could put different names to make it look like it was coming from someone else. This would add a layer of difficulty in getting working group leaders to remind their members to take it. Lastly and in my opinion most seriously, if someone inadvertently forwards the link that Survey Monkey sends them, then the recipient will be able to see that person’s responses. For example, if a Working Group leader is asked to remind their working group to take the survey, I could envision them inadvertently fowarding their email from Survey Monkey to the group saying something like, “Don’t forget to take the survey, the link is below.” But that link will be only to the WG Leader’s survey. Everyone clicking on it will see how the WG leader responded. Chinwe and Isaac suggested that this could be solved by providing instructions, but I tend to think people don’t read most things very closely (indeed, if you are still with me at this point in the email you are probably above average and I salute you!). For all these reasons I want to specify that they work off the more cumbersome excel spread sheets. Please let me know if you think I’m off base on this.

      3. Recap of Marketing. Below is the marketing plan for the survey. Special thanks to Joyce, Kresge, and McKnight for agreeing to use some funds to help promote it!

      Survey is open 3 weeks (21 days).

      June 9: Jeremy announces survey, explains purpose, and announces that everyone who fills out the survey will be entered into a drawing for $2500 that can go towards professional development. The winner would be able to use up to that amount of money in the next year to participate in a conference/meeting/workshop/study trip/etc. of their choosing to learn about an issue or gain a new skill that (a) they think would increase their effectiveness in bringing about a clean energy future in the Midwest and (b) they would not otherwise be able to do.

      Approx June 22: Email on Commons from Pete or Chinwe launches survey.

      Approx June 27: All working group leaders, caucus leaders, and Christen from GWSAF send email to their list reminding them of survey and the importance of filling it out and talk about the professional development prize.

      Approx June 29: Someone from FWG sends reminder on Commons

      Approx June 30: List of people who have not filled out the survey yet is generated. The “primary contact” is asked to send them an email by July 1. (I have made a list of each person’s primary, secondary, and tertiary contact based on each person’s working group affiliations.)

      Approx July 6: Ed, Jessica, Aimee, or Jennie send a reminder on the Commons

      Approx July 8: List of people who have not yet filled out survey is generated. Secondary contact is asked to email them.

      Approx July 11: List of people who have not yet filled out survey is generated. Tertiary contact emails them.

      Approx July 13: Pete, Isaac, Chinwe contact remaining people who haven’t filled out survey, ask them to do so.

      Approx July 14: Jeremy sends final Commons announcement-last day to fill it out (and thanking everyone and explaining what’s next in the evaluation process)

      All users get 6 emails over the course of 4 weeks.

      Total slackers get 10 emails over the course of 4 weeks.

      Most of us get somewhere between 6 and 10 emails over the course of 4 weeks

      Also: Each Working group and caucus between now and close of survey should have this as a small point on their agenda for calls.

      Gail Francis
      L&P Analyst
      (715) 945-2164
      Ojibwa, WI

    • #3724

      RE-AMP Network

      Hi Gail,

      Per your email, just a couple comments:

      – I understand your rationale for not wanting to use survey monkey.  Are you getting much resistence from evaluators on this?  I suppose I could appreciate hesitency if it will cause an inordinate amount of extra work on their end.  I also think at some point we have to trust the intelligence of our staff not to forward a populated survey monkey especially if they are forewarned.  I am comfortable leaving to your discretion.

      Are the beta testers supposed to fill in the final evaluation (again)?

      – I love the survey responder prize – what a brilliant idea!

      – Per the execution plan, when the time comes please assign specific people to the task.  I am around all summer so am happy to help but a prompt will be very appreciated.

      You’ve done such a great job keeping us on track – thanks!  Jennie

      Jennie Curtis
      Executive Director
      Garfield Foundation
      New Bedford, MA

      Original Message:
      Sent: 06-14-2011 16:06
      From: Gail Francis
      Subject: Revised Survey

      Hi Evaluation Committee,
      This email covers three related topics: 1. link to the revised survey, 2. question about mechanism for distribution, and 3. recap of marketing plan.

      1. Revised Survey: Chinwe, Isaac and Peter have re-worked the survey and shortened it considerably. It is now in a second round of testing to ensure that it will be in the 20-minute range for people involved with just one working group and in the 30-minute range for people in multiple groups. I have enlisted some fresh eyes to do this second round of testing. However, if anyone would like to take a look you are welcome to do so at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/RE-AMPSurveyTest2

      2. Method of Distribution: Originally, our evaluators proposed sending the survey out using the capabilities of survey monkey itself. The reason for this is that Survey Monkey can then track who has and has not taken the survey, and follow-up emails can be sent directly to the slackers. However, I have flagged some difficulties with this, which I will discuss below. The alternative is to have them working off an excel spreadsheet of names and periodically doing some cumbersome cross-listing to figure out who needs reminders.
      There are three reasons I see for asking them to take the more cumbersome route. First, some people are unable to receive email from Survey Monkey due to having previously unsubscribed from Survey Monkey’s lists. These people would not be able to access the survey at all if we use Survey Monkey’s tracking capabilities. Secondly, no one but Survey Monkey would be able to send a link to the survey, though they could put different names to make it look like it was coming from someone else. This would add a layer of difficulty in getting working group leaders to remind their members to take it. Lastly and in my opinion most seriously, if someone inadvertently forwards the link that Survey Monkey sends them, then the recipient will be able to see that person’s responses. For example, if a Working Group leader is asked to remind their working group to take the survey, I could envision them inadvertently fowarding their email from Survey Monkey to the group saying something like, “Don’t forget to take the survey, the link is below.” But that link will be only to the WG Leader’s survey. Everyone clicking on it will see how the WG leader responded. Chinwe and Isaac suggested that this could be solved by providing instructions, but I tend to think people don’t read most things very closely (indeed, if you are still with me at this point in the email you are probably above average and I salute you!). For all these reasons I want to specify that they work off the more cumbersome excel spread sheets. Please let me know if you think I’m off base on this.

      3. Recap of Marketing. Below is the marketing plan for the survey. Special thanks to Joyce, Kresge, and McKnight for agreeing to use some funds to help promote it!

      Survey is open 3 weeks (21 days).

      June 9: Jeremy announces survey, explains purpose, and announces that everyone who fills out the survey will be entered into a drawing for $2500 that can go towards professional development. The winner would be able to use up to that amount of money in the next year to participate in a conference/meeting/workshop/study trip/etc. of their choosing to learn about an issue or gain a new skill that (a) they think would increase their effectiveness in bringing about a clean energy future in the Midwest and (b) they would not otherwise be able to do.

      Approx June 22: Email on Commons from Pete or Chinwe launches survey.

      Approx June 27: All working group leaders, caucus leaders, and Christen from GWSAF send email to their list reminding them of survey and the importance of filling it out and talk about the professional development prize.

      Approx June 29: Someone from FWG sends reminder on Commons

      Approx June 30: List of people who have not filled out the survey yet is generated. The “primary contact” is asked to send them an email by July 1. (I have made a list of each person’s primary, secondary, and tertiary contact based on each person’s working group affiliations.)

      Approx July 6: Ed, Jessica, Aimee, or Jennie send a reminder on the Commons

      Approx July 8: List of people who have not yet filled out survey is generated. Secondary contact is asked to email them.

      Approx July 11: List of people who have not yet filled out survey is generated. Tertiary contact emails them.

      Approx July 13: Pete, Isaac, Chinwe contact remaining people who haven’t filled out survey, ask them to do so.

      Approx July 14: Jeremy sends final Commons announcement-last day to fill it out (and thanking everyone and explaining what’s next in the evaluation process)

      All users get 6 emails over the course of 4 weeks.

      Total slackers get 10 emails over the course of 4 weeks.

      Most of us get somewhere between 6 and 10 emails over the course of 4 weeks

      Also: Each Working group and caucus between now and close of survey should have this as a small point on their agenda for calls.

      Gail Francis
      L&P Analyst
      (715) 945-2164
      Ojibwa, WI

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