Home Forums Discussions Evaluation Committee Marketing Plan for Survey

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    • #3716

      Gail Francis

      This message has been cross posted to the following eGroups: RE-AMP Staff and Evaluation Committee .

      Hi Evaluation Committee and RE-AMP Staff,
      I spoke with Chinwe and Isaac a bit ago. They are hard at work sorting through the Evaluation Committee’s feedback on the draft survey and doing revisions. Meanwhile I’ve taken the liberty of drafting a marketing plan for this thing. This is one of the most important tools for our evaluators, so we want to be sure they get the most participation possible. Please look this over and provide some feedback by COB Wednesday. Feel free to propose something entirely different than what I’ve got here.Thanks! Gail

      Survey is open 3 weeks (21 days).

      Launch minus 10 days: sample text generated for all actions below and provided to staff/EC

      Launch minus 1 week: Jeremy announces survey, explains purpose, fields questions at all WG calls (ongoing through the survey period).

      Launch: Email on Commons from Pete or Chinwe launches survey.

      Launch+3 calendar days: All working group leaders, caucus leaders, and Christen from GWSAF send email t their list reminding them of survey and the importance of filling it out.

      L+7 days: Jeremy sends reminder on Commons

      L+9 days: List of people who have not filled out the survey yet is generated. The “primary contact” is asked to send them an email. (I have made a list of each person’s primary, secondary, and tertiary contact based on each person’s working group affiliations.)

      L+12 days: List of people who have not yet filled out survey is generated. Secondary contact is asked to email them.

      L+14 days: Ed, Jessica, Aimee, or Jennie send a reminder on the Commons telling people only a few days left to fill out survey.

      L+17 days: List of people who have not yet filled out survey is generated. Tertiary contact emails them.

      L+20 days: Pete, Isaac, Chinwe contact remaining people who haven’t filled out survey, ask them to do so.

      L+21 days: Jeremy sends final Commons announcement-last day to fill it out (and thanking everyone and explaining what’s next in the evaluation process)

      All users get 6 emails over the course of 4 weeks.

      Total slackers get 10 emails over the course of 4 weeks.

      Most of us get somewhere between 6 and 10 emails over the course of 4 weeks

      Also: Each Working group and caucus between now and close of survey should have this as a small point on their agenda for calls.

      Should we have some kind of prize for the working group that gets the highest percentage of participation? Like whoever wins gets real breakfast instead of bagels at their in-person meeting? Or….?

      Gail Francis
      L&P Analyst
      (715) 945-2164
      Ojibwa, WI

    • #3717


      Hi Gail and others,

      I think the implementation plan that you suggested sounds good–thanks for taking the time to think this through and draft a proposed timeline.

      I’ve also been thinking about the possibility of offering a prize. Do we have a little bit of funding left over that could go toward a prize, or a couple of prizes? I’m also thinking, though, that I’d be more motivated by the chance to win, say, an ipad–or something more environmentally responsible, like a bike or a massage or a CSA membership ….

      Jessica Boehland
      Program Officer
      The Kresge Foundation
      Troy, MI

      Original Message:
      Sent: 05-09-2011 18:03
      From: Gail Francis
      Subject: Marketing Plan for Survey

      This message has been cross posted to the following eGroups: RE-AMP Staff and Evaluation Committee .

      Hi Evaluation Committee and RE-AMP Staff,
      I spoke with Chinwe and Isaac a bit ago. They are hard at work sorting through the Evaluation Committee’s feedback on the draft survey and doing revisions. Meanwhile I’ve taken the liberty of drafting a marketing plan for this thing. This is one of the most important tools for our evaluators, so we want to be sure they get the most participation possible. Please look this over and provide some feedback by COB Wednesday. Feel free to propose something entirely different than what I’ve got here.Thanks! Gail

      Survey is open 3 weeks (21 days).

      Launch minus 10 days: sample text generated for all actions below and provided to staff/EC

      Launch minus 1 week: Jeremy announces survey, explains purpose, fields questions at all WG calls (ongoing through the survey period).

      Launch: Email on Commons from Pete or Chinwe launches survey.

      Launch+3 calendar days: All working group leaders, caucus leaders, and Christen from GWSAF send email t their list reminding them of survey and the importance of filling it out.

      L+7 days: Jeremy sends reminder on Commons

      L+9 days: List of people who have not filled out the survey yet is generated. The “primary contact” is asked to send them an email. (I have made a list of each person’s primary, secondary, and tertiary contact based on each person’s working group affiliations.)

      L+12 days: List of people who have not yet filled out survey is generated. Secondary contact is asked to email them.

      L+14 days: Ed, Jessica, Aimee, or Jennie send a reminder on the Commons telling people only a few days left to fill out survey.

      L+17 days: List of people who have not yet filled out survey is generated. Tertiary contact emails them.

      L+20 days: Pete, Isaac, Chinwe contact remaining people who haven’t filled out survey, ask them to do so.

      L+21 days: Jeremy sends final Commons announcement-last day to fill it out (and thanking everyone and explaining what’s next in the evaluation process)

      All users get 6 emails over the course of 4 weeks.

      Total slackers get 10 emails over the course of 4 weeks.

      Most of us get somewhere between 6 and 10 emails over the course of 4 weeks

      Also: Each Working group and caucus between now and close of survey should have this as a small point on their agenda for calls.

      Should we have some kind of prize for the working group that gets the highest percentage of participation? Like whoever wins gets real breakfast instead of bagels at their in-person meeting? Or….?

      Gail Francis
      L&P Analyst
      (715) 945-2164
      Ojibwa, WI

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