Home Forums Discussions Evaluation Committee Draft Survey–Please Review

1 reply, 1 voice Last updated by Gail Francis 10 years, 6 months ago
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    • #3711

      Gail Francis

      Hi Evaluation Committee,
      Please review this draft survey that Pete, Chinwe, and Isaac put together based on their research so far and the work plan they presented last week. Please send your feedback to me, or you can comment on the comments section of the document. Please do this by COB Wednesday, or let me know if you will be unable to do it by that time. Thanks!
      Gail Francis
      L&P Analyst
      (715) 945-2164
      Ojibwa, WI

    • #3712

      Gail Francis

      I forgot to note a few items to keep in mind when reading the draft survey:
      As you read it, please keep in mind the following items:

      1)      The survey is long because it is trying to cover all of the RFP questions and to help with building the scorecard. If there are questions that are very low priority, it might be best to eliminate them.

      2)      The sequence and format of questions has not been completed, but will be finished once they are sure which questions/language to use.

      3)      The key to assessing the questions is: If I knew the answer to this question, would it make a difference in how we think/act in RE-AMP?

      4)      Once they have received feedback from the Evaluation Committee it will take some time to build this survey in Survey Monkey, but that’s when we may want to begin pre-marketing the survey.


      Gail Francis
      L&P Analyst
      (715) 945-2164
      Ojibwa, WI

      Original Message:
      Sent: 04-25-2011 15:20
      From: Gail Francis
      Subject: Draft Survey–Please Review

      Hi Evaluation Committee,
      Please review this draft survey that Pete, Chinwe, and Isaac put together based on their research so far and the work plan they presented last week. Please send your feedback to me, or you can comment on the comments section of the document. Please do this by COB Wednesday, or let me know if you will be unable to do it by that time. Thanks!
      Gail Francis
      L&P Analyst
      (715) 945-2164
      Ojibwa, WI

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