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      Gail Francis

      Hi Evaluation Committee,
      Jeremy and Pete and I had a call this morning with Lola (Chair of Annual Meeting Committee) and Rolf (who is moderating that day’s discussion). I think we have a really good setup for how to use the annual meeting time, though it does differ a bit from what we discussed last week.

      We felt the main goals were

      1.       1. Understand purpose, results and recommendations of the REAMP evaluation.

      2.       2. Get reaction to the evaluators’ 10 recommendations and identify the top 3 that members believe are most important for REAMP to address over the next year. 

      3.      3.  Begin to understand the practical implications of these top recommendations

      Here is our basic idea.
      1. Someone (probably Jennie if she’s willing) introduces Pete and the reasons for the evaluation. This would be a little more than just a pro-forma introduction, but rather spending a few minutes explaining why RE-AMP funders felt it was important to do this and why we believe that we can really move things to new heights in our network. This would be about 10 minutes or so.

      2. Pete presents recommendations. 30 minutes or so.

      3. Q&A, including using wiki and floor mic to allow people to comment on anything they feel is missing. Rolf will moderate and play time-cop. 30 minutes or so.

      4. People will have previously received 3 sticky dots. Each recommendation will be posted in the back on flipchart paper. As people leave for a break, they are asked to use those dots to indicate which of the recommendations they think are particularly pressing for our network.

      5. After people come back from break, each recommendation will have two tables devoted to it. People go to the table that has a recommendation they particularly want to discuss. Each table will have a steering committee members, evaluation committee member, or other network to facilitate and record that conversation. There will be no verbal report back, but the report back will be posted to the online notes for all to see. 1 hour.

      We will collect all feedback from plenary, dots, and breakout tables for Pete to use if helpful to final report and for us to use in thinking about implementation of recommendations.  I will be meeting with Pete on Monday to help think through the best way to use the presentation time. We need to make sure it is at the right level of detail/context so people can engage properly. If anyone else would like to join me on that call, please let me know.

      p.s. I hope each of you will offer to buy Lola and Jeremy a drink at the annual meeting. They are doing a ton of work to pull this together on a tight time frame and a tight budget.

      Gail Francis
      L&P Analyst
      (715) 945-2164
      Ojibwa, WI

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