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Member Interview: David Vitse, Outrider Foundation

This month I had the pleasure of talking with David Vitse from Outrider. David began deeply engaging the past couple of years through our community strategy conversations, helping organize a Story of Impact about Outrider’s communication work and serving on the Annual Meeting Planning Committee for two years. He wrote an article for this month’s newsletter, Back from the Brink, sharing Outrider’s work to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons. Get to know David and his work through this month’s member interview.- Sarah Ann Shanahan, Director of Community Management

David Vitse, Legal Counsel and Management Associate for the Outrider Foundation, photographed in Governor Nelson State Park in Madison, Wisconsin. Photo by Kevin J. Miyazaki

Tell us a little about yourself.

David Vitse: I’m a father of two daughters, Stella and Sasha, which means I’ve become an expert in great dad jokes.  I was born and raised in Madison, where I still live. Even though the Midwest is a cold place, it has warm people and that’s what I love about living here. My friends often call upon me to be a tour guide whenever they visit Madison, so remember that RE-AMP friends! My favorite place in Wisconsin is Door County. I spend as much time as I can in my hammock overlooking the lake, walking over the dunes, or just enjoying the sunshine on a pier.

I’ve been involved in climate work since 2006. I’m passionate about working with future leaders and helping make climate change issues accessible. I want people to have hope. I think that’s so important in a time that feels gloomy. There are solutions and so many ways to tackle the climate issue. I’m also an adjunct faculty member at Edgewood College where I teach constitutional and international law. 


What does Outrider do and what is your role?

David Vitse: Outrider is a private foundation in Madison. Our goal is to stop nuclear weapons and reverse climate change. We have a small staff and primarily create video content. Last year,  we ran a digital media campaign series, Rethinking Security, connecting our two mission areas of climate change and nuclear weapons.  We have also produced many other videos including how to dismantle a nuclear bomb, a 5Oth anniversiary of earth day and videos highlighting folks working in thier communities to fight the climate crisis.  We also have climate and nuclear science 101s to give people the history of what these issues mean. We focus on trying to find authors and voices that are underrepresented and balance climate policy, organizing, and inspiring people so that we can interject hope and optimism in people’s lives. 

I’m the Management Associate which means I help produce content, line up authors, find stories, develop messages and messengers. We are trying to find and understand linkages between issues. In particular, we are working to find young climate leaders and give them a platform to share their voice on their terms and in their communities.


Outrider is an environmental organization, what do nuclear weapons have to do with climate?

David Vitse: 

They share the same challenges and solutions. Everybody has a stake in them because these are both existential threats. Although many people do not realize, the threat of nuclear weapons contemplates many of the same issues we currently face within the climate crisis including the attack on democratic systems, the enforcement of equitable laws, the protection of clean environments and the safeguarding of human health. 


You’re serving on this year’s Annual Meeting Planning Committee. What are you most excited about for this year’s meeting?

David Vitse: I enjoy participating in social hours. I love art, even if I’m not great at it, I want to see that come out in the meeting this year. I like interacting with other people and it’s inspiring to bring people together when you are working on the same problem but with different tactics. It’s cool! I like supporting the good work RE-AMP is doing and learning about the good work other organizations are doing. It is a great opportunity to learn about people and policy. 


So, What’s your favorite dad joke?

David Vitse: Why did the bicycle lay down? It was too tire-d.

Editor note: Sarah’s favorite is Why did the guy start his car on fire? Because he wanted a hot rod!


Anything else you want to share?

David Vitse: I want to thank RE-AMP members for their work and inspiration! If you’re interested in learning more about my work or collaborating contact me at Otherwise, I’ll see you at the Annual Meeting in September!


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