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February 2016 Network Update

Greetings, RE-AMPers,

With 2016 now in full swing, the Network is eager to support your climate, energy, and transportation work across the region with resources, dedicated funding, and opportunities for peer-to-peer learning. In this month’s Update, you’ll find information about how we plan to do that. Read on to learn about the outcomes of the latest round of RE-AMP funding, how Network staff will support state tables, our innovative grant reporting pilot program, upcoming Network activities, and much more. But before you dig in, I want to remind you that I rely on you to provide information that helps keeps other members up to date on what’s happening across the region. If you have news, events, or campaign updates others should be aware of, please contact me at Many thanks!


Announcing the latest round of RE-AMP funding

We recently posted on the Commons the outcomes of the latest round of funding from the Global Warming Strategic Action Fund (GWSAF). The GWSAF Committee reviewed proposals for very compelling climate, energy and transportation work across the region, in line with the key priorities laid out by the Network last fall. With proposals for over $3,000,000, but around $1,500,000 in available funding, the committee unfortunately had to turn down a number of excellent proposals. However, the committee ultimately felt that the funded projects were those most closely aligned with Network goals and most in need of RE-AMP support at this time.

In the end, the GWSAF Committee elected to fund at least some work in each of the six priority areas, but with a heavy focus on state tables and the Clean Power Plan. To make funding decisions, the committee used the criteria laid out in the GWSAF documents shared with the Network last fall, including an emphasis on funding for projects that include a clear equity component (see the proposal guidelines here for reference). While not all funded projects met all criteria, a preference was given to those that met more of them.

For a summary of the funding decisions, you can refer to Network CEO Scott Cooper’s recent Commons post. For an overview of the GWSAF theory and approach, you can refer to the Funding resource page on the Commons.

RE-AMPers react to the Supreme Court’s decision to halt the Clean Power Plan

The Supreme Court’s unprecedented decision to delay the EPA Clean Power Plan is disappointing, but it neither overturns the policy nor decides its legal merits. Climate and energy advocates across the country are calling the decision a pause and remain confident that the CPP and its benefits will be implemented nationwide.

RE-AMP Network members weighed in on the news with thoughtful commentary. In a recent Commons post, Global Warming Solutions Working Group Leader Charles Griffith said that it is “still in states’ best interest to continue working on their [CPP implementation] plans,” while also noting that “some states will no doubt use the ruling as an excuse not to do anything,” as in the case of Wisconsin and Michigan. Above all Charles stressed the importance for us “to continue to support the goals of the rule and to push for state efforts that would help to meet or exceed it.”

Tara Ritter with the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy wrote about how the Court’s decision will impact rural communities, and Howard Learner with the Environmental Law & Policy Center also shared insightful comments on the impact Justice Antonin Scalia’s passing will have on the federal courts’ review of the CPP.

For further reactions to the Supreme Court’s decision from The White House, the Union of Concerned Scientists, the Climate Action Campaign, Clean Energy Works, Environmental Defense Fund, the Advanced Energy Economy, the Sierra Club, and the Natural Resources Defense Council, you can refer to Charles Griffith’s post.

The CPP may be under a temporary freeze, but the shift to clean energy and transportation are not, thanks to your work and the work of your peers across the country. As a reminder, you can always check our progress toward our shared greenhouse gas reduction goals using the new RE-AMP Dashboard.

Save the date for the 2016 RE-AMP Annual Meeting!

2015 Annual Meeting

Please save the date for the 2016 RE-AMP Network Annual Meeting to be held June 27th, 28th, and 29th in Chicago. Additional information about the meeting will be made available on the Annual Meeting page on the Commons in the coming weeks and months. In the meantime, Network staff are seeking volunteers at this time to participate on the Annual Meeting Planning Committee. If you’re interested, please contact Jessica Conrad at for more information or to volunteer to serve on the committee. 

New pilot program could radically transform the way we learn

As a learning network, we believe we must constantly increase our collective intelligence in order to win more. One key way to do this is to learn from each other’s work. To this end, Network Knowledge Manager Gail Francis reads every grant report submitted to RE-AMP’s Global Warming Strategic Action Fund (GWSAF), and helps connect members to important insights by writing case studies or reports, making introductions, or designing program content at annual meetings.

Grant reports have been a useful tool, but in order to learn, we have to be realistic about the limitations of our tools and the people who use them. For grant reports to work perfectly, the following sequence of events would have to flow perfectly: 1) A grantee submits a complete report that is both self-aware and geared only toward helping the Network learn, rather than toward obtaining more funds in the future. 2) The Knowledge Manager reads the report with complete focus and doesn’t miss any key insights. 3) The Knowledge Manager offers products to other Network members that compellingly communicate the key insights. 4) The right members take advantage of those products. 5) Those members find the products useful and change what they are doing as a result.

As you can see, there are many opportunities for the erosion of learning within this sequence of events, even when everyone is doing their best to learn. As a result, our work within the Network is not as high-performing as it could be. Over the years, we have changed the questions on grant reports, changed the format of reports, and changed due dates in an effort to improve our overall learning. Some of these tweaks helped, while others were, well, a learning experience. Through the trial and error, Gail began thinking about how we could fundamentally alter the grant reporting process to reduce the number of places where the erosion of learning could occur and to take advantage of our Network’s real strength: the connections between our members.

At this time we are excited to introduce a new reporting system based on peer conversations. It will run as a pilot project for the majority of action fund grantees this year. The new reporting system begins with grantees learning directly from each other by sharing stories with each other. Insights from these peer conversations will then be included in written reports submitted to the fund. Using this new system, Gail will still be able to read reports and connect members to important insights; the key difference is that the system starts with a direct, peer-to-peer learning opportunity. You can find a complete description of the new reporting system, along with the feedback from recent grantees that helped shape the new system, here.

If you are a grantee, your Grant Agreement letter will indicate whether you will be part of the pilot project, or whether you will report on your work in the traditional way. Many thanks to everyone who helped Gail think through the possibilities, design, and implications of the system, including grantees who provided feedback, Steering Committee members (especially Susan Guy), and staff (especially Sarah Shanahan).

RE-AMPers use message framing to advance our clean energy and transportation goals

Tips & ToolsIn 2014 the RE-AMP Network invested in candidate education work that not only included public opinion research and candidate education in six states, but also the development of messaging tools, including the new clean energy message framing recommendations produced in collaboration with Climate Access and Minnesota Environmental Partnership. In 2015, Climate Access tailored the recommendations by issue area and produced numerous educational and training resources used by over 160 individual Network members. Many put what they learned to use. Find out how in the new  “RE-AMP Framing in Play” case study highlighting key message framing examples from across the region.

The Organizing Hub announces its 2016 programs and services

The RE-AMP Organizing Hub is gearing up for an exciting year, and we’re thrilled to announce what’s in store in 2016:

  • Peer Learning Circle: Voter Activation Network: The Hub will host a single, but more in-depth, Peer Learning Circle that focuses on raising the level of sophistication used by campaigns when employing the Voter Activation Network. Small participation stipends, as well as a credit of up to $1,000 for phone banking, will be offered. Applications to participate will be available in March, and the Peer Learning Circle will begin in May.
  • Campaign Excellence Conference: The Hub’s conference this year will be focused on developing and deepening strategic thinking in campaigns within the Network. The Conference date and location have yet to be determined.  
  • Campaign Excellence Webinar Series: Civic Engagement: This year’s Campaign Excellence Webinar series will focus on how 501(c)3 organizations can take advantage of an election year. Dates and registration links will be available soon.
  • State Table Assistance: The Hub will also provide assistance to state tables. Potential services include power analysis assistance, meeting facilitation, setting state table partner agreements, campaign planning assistance, and more.
  • Communications Support: Back by popular demand, the Hub will work with Resource Media to provide members with access to communications assistance in climate campaigns. Support will range from campaign communications planning and messaging to visuals to media and more. The full list of available services and the application are available here.
  • Express Campaign Assistance: In 2015 the Hub provided Express Campaign Assistance to several campaigns and organizations, including support in campaign planning, work planning, training for existing organizers, and meeting facilitation. The Hub will continue this service in 2016. The full list of available services and the application are available here.
  • Development of guides, resources and other original content: The Hub will also continue producing original content to meet the needs of Network members and campaigns. Stay tuned for a guide on conducting power analyses for state tables, as well as a guide on mobilizing tactics and best practices.
  • Deep Support Campaigns: Finally, this year the Hub will continue providing deep and ongoing support to three pre-selected campaigns within the RE-AMP footprint. These include: 1) Raising the profile of climate change in the Iowa Presidential caucuses; 2) Bringing back renewable and energy efficiency standards in Ohio, and 3) Passing a climate ordinance in Detroit, Michigan.

Given the robust list of services planned for 2016, the Org Hub is positioned to help make Network campaigns more strategic and powerful than ever. For detailed information about the services listed above, you can refer to the Organizing Hub page on the Commons or contact the Melissa Gavin or Keith Reopelle, the Hub’s Co-Directors.

Network veteran Sarah Shanahan transitions into a State Table Coordinator role

This year, RE-AMP is investing in the development of state tables not only through funding from the Global Warming Strategic Action Fund but also through a variety of Network services. While support will come from the Organizing Hub and various RE-AMP staff, we’ve been fortunate to have RE-AMP veteran Sarah Shanahan agree to take on the coordination of these services. Sarah will be the Network’s State Table Coordinator for the coming months, working closely with state table staff and leadership teams across the region. Her goals are to connect tables with each other, to help them develop strong plans, and to ensure that what we’re learning through this process gets shared across the entire Network. You can reach Sarah at

Welcoming our newest Network members!

On behalf of the entire Network, at this time we’d like to extend a warm welcome to Creation Justice Ministries, EcoWorks, the Energy Transition Lab, and U.S. Climate Plan. Please help us extend a warm welcome to staff from these organizations at upcoming Network activities.

2016 Membership Renewal Results

In the recent membership renewal process we were very pleased to have 172 member groups recommit to the Network. With the new members listed above, the Network now consists of 176 member groups, 131 at the Full level and 45 at the Ally level. We’re thrilled about the capacity of RE-AMP’s membership to continue to work together to build a broader and even more effective climate movement in the Midwest.

Download your Meltwater media lists before March 31st

For the past several years, RE-AMP has subscribed to MeltwaterNews, an online public relations tool that provides targeted media lists for improving the reach and relevance of campaigns. Network members have had free and unlimited access to the platform to find the right targets for PR campaigns and to build media lists using a contact database of more than 350,000 journalists and bloggers.

Based on the level of use of this tool within the Network, and based on feedback from users, we will be discontinuing this service on March 31st, 2016. If you rely on our shared Meltwater account for media lists, please download your lists before the subscription ends.

If you don’t already use the shared account, you may wish to do so before March 31st, 2016. This brief webinar recording includes RE-AMP’s shared account information and an orientation to the platform. Alternatively, you may wish to use the state-by-state media lists available on state group pages under “files.” These lists provide the names of journalists and editors in each state focused on energy and transportation, as well as the journalists’ publications, contact information, and the subjects they cover.

For questions related to MeltwaterNews or the media lists attached here, you can contact the RE-AMP Community Manager Jessica Conrad at

An update from the Environmental Justice Caucus

This year the Environmental Justice Caucus is positioned to create a space for uplifting grassroots environmental justice organizations and promoting an inclusion of equity within the Network. One way the caucus will uplift grassroots environmental justice organizations is through a re-granting process. The caucus has selected eight grant recipients located in Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Two of these organizations will focus on media and popular education as they relate to the issues that the re-granted organizations are addressing. Additionally, the caucus is planning to host a webinar in the coming month, addressing the history of the Detroit municipal solid waste incinerator and the current state of the movement to promote zero waste in the city. More information and registration will be available soon.

New Report: Faith, Morality & the Environment

Screen Shot 2016-02-22 at 2.37.05 PMDon’t miss the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication’s new report Faith, Morality and the Environment: Portraits of Global Warming’s Six Americas. The report explores Americans’ receptivity to a moral framing around the issue of climate change during an evolutionary year in public discourse on global warming.


Rural Caucus shifts to a regular call schedule in 2016

In 2016, the Rural Caucus will hold regular calls on the last Thursday of each month from 2:30 – 3:30 CT.  Please mark your calendars, and don’t miss the caucus’s February newsletter for a summary of the most recent caucus news, resources and meeting notes.

#SpringForward State Strategy Summits: February – April

New Network member organization U.S. Climate Plan invites Network members to attend #SpringForward State Strategy Summits in February, March and April. These events will bring together dynamic youth activists on a state-by-state basis to make connections and build relationships; create a shared understanding of the state’s political landscape with regards to the climate crisis and other progressive battles being fought in the state; form or strengthen organized statewide networks to move strategies forward; map out the coming years; and find opportunities to collaborate on exciting work in 2016 and beyond. More information and registration is available here.

Community-Based Solar Conference: February 25th

Network members are invited to attend a community-based solar conference at The Pyle Center in Madison Feb. 25th. Hosted by the Wisconsin Public Utility Institute and the League of Wisconsin Municipalities, this day long conference will feature speakers Rep. Robb Kahl, Assemblyman from the 47th District, and John Sterling, from the Solar Electric Power Association. Registration and event information can be found here.

Minnesota State Table Meeting: March 22nd

Member organizations working in Minnesota are invited to join the first in-person gathering of the Minnesota RE-AMP State Table! The state table has been awarded $125,000 from the RE-AMP Global Warming Strategic Action Fund in an effort to increase collaboration of Minnesota member organizations. At this first meeting, members will focus on exploring the value of the state table, begin the work of coordinating climate and energy work across Minnesota, and discuss next steps for a leadership team, staffing and opportunities for collaboration in 2016 and beyond. This is your chance to make this table work for you and your work! Since there are nearly 60 member organizations working in Minnesota, organizations with several staff involved in RE-AMP are encouraged to limit participation to two to three people. More information and registration is available here.

Solar Powering Iowa Conference: March 23rd & 24th

Network members are invited to attend the Solar Powering Iowa Conference on March 23th and 24th in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Solar Powering Iowa will engage utilities, policy makers, lenders, developers, contractors, solar installers, local governments, and training and workforce development professionals to help them define opportunities in the solar market and access resources and networks to advance projects. There will be several sessions on the 23rd dedicated to Rural Electric Co-op engagement and an opportunity to meet with Holmes Hummel, founder of Clean Energy Works. More information and registration is available here.

Solar Workshops: February – March

Network members are invited to attend solar workshops hosted by the Winneshiek Energy District in Allamakee, Chichasaw, Clayton, Fayette, and Howard Counties in February and March.The workshops are free and targeted toward farmers, businesses, and other entities who may be interested in installing solar. You’ll have an opportunity to learn solar basics, meet contractors, and see solar at host sites. More information and registration is available here.


Transportation campaign scores a victory against the DOT

A RE-AMP funded coalition of groups in Wisconsin last year called for an audit of the state’s transportation program amidst concerns of transportation funding that prioritizes highway expansion at the expense of public transit, local road repair, walking and biking.  The campaign scored a major victory earlier this month when state Senate majority leader Scott Fitzgerald called for holding off on new transportation funding legislation until an audit of DOT’s highway program is complete.

The campaign convinced a bi-partisan group of legislators to override a veto against the audit by Governor Scott Walker—and mandated the state’s non-partisan Legislative Audit Bureau to carry out a comprehensive study of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s highway program. The audit is unprecedented in its scope as for the first time the department’s traffic projection methodologies and their project selection process will be scrutinized. The campaign has criticized these processes as being flawed and biased towards highway expansion.

Through this audit, the coalition hopes to spark lasting change in the transportation funding process in Wisconsin, as well as other RE-AMP states in similar situations towards prioritizing cleaner transportation modes.

The Network is at its best when members actively share stories and learnings. Share yours by contacting Jessica Conrad at or by phone at 509-254-1477.



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