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Candidacy Statement: At-Large Member Representative

Candidacy Statement for 2011 RE-AMP Steering Committee Elections – Satya Rhodes-Conway, Center on Wisconsin Strategy

Why are you interested in serving as a working group leader or at-large representative on the Steering Committee, and what do you think you would bring to that position?

RE-AMP has been a strong and positive focus for communication about, funding of and organization of the climate work we all do in the Midwest. The network works, in part, because past and present steering committee members have given their time to tend to the organization of, and provide the vision for, RE-AMP. I am ready to contribute my time and talents to the organization, as a service to our community. In addition to a strong work ethic, I would bring to the Steering Committee a focus on three things that, if not unique, are not common in RE-AMP groups: Equity, Jobs and Cities. At COWS, we see work on climate change as integral to promoting high road policy that incorporates shared prosperity and democratic accountability in addition to environmental responsibility. With this background, I will bring a focus on the economic and workforce components that need to be included in our work. I also work with cities and municipal policy in particular, and am happy to see the increasing focus on cities within RE-AMP. I


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