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2012 SC meetings, rotating chair schedule

Dear Steering Committee members,

Based on the input I’ve received, I’ve posted our final schedule for Steering Committee meeting for 2012 below.  This schedule will most likely change for two of the months below, when we schedule our two full-day in-person meetings, later in the year.

I would like to also schedule the rotating chair schedule for 2012.  If each member picks one month, we will have the chair covered for the year.  Please comment to this post with a preferred month for you to chair the meeting and I will develop a final rotating chair schedule and send out.

Thank you,


*All dates have a 1pm CT start time, except June.
January: Tuesday the 24th
February: Wednesday the 22nd
March: Wednesday the 28th
April: Wednesday the 18th
May: Wednesday the 23rd
June:  Wednesday the 20th (evening in-person meeting during the annual meeting)
July: Wednesday the 25th
August: Wednesday the 22nd
September: Wednesday the 26th
October: Wednesday the 24th
November: Wednesday the 28th (the week after Thanksgiving)
December: Wednesday the 19th


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