Membership Levels
These descriptions are meant to provide a high-level overview of each membership level and will always be provided in the context of RE-AMP’s membership requirements and benefits.
FULL membership offers all the benefits of the RE-AMP Network—from countless networking and collaborative opportunities to involvement in Network governance and more—while requiring member organizations to maintain a high level of participation for the benefit of the Network as a whole. Consistent engagement from Full members is essential for the Network to develop a region-wide perspective on our issue areas, to align strategies, and ultimately to make progress toward our Network goal. We recommend Full membership for organizations with the capacity for and commitment to tackling climate change through RE-AMP’s groundbreaking approach to collaboration. This membership level is open to any organization working in the nine state RE-AMP region that meets our eligibility requirements.
ALLY membership offers nearly all of the benefits of the RE-AMP Network—with the exception of involvement in Network governance and serving as the lead grantee on grant proposals—while allowing member organizations to maintain a moderate level of participation in Network activities. This membership level opens the door to organizations that may not have the ability or desire to participate as a Full member, yet identify with our Network goal and want to engage in RE-AMP’s strategic climate action. We recommend Ally membership for organizations that are interested in learning about the RE-AMP Network and share our strong interest in working together to build a broader and even more effective climate movement in the Midwest. This membership level is open to any organization that meets our eligibility requirements.
On a case-by-case basis, and on the recommendation of a current Network member, the RE-AMP Network will issue INDIVIDUAL memberships to people who are not associated with a member organization. It is always ideal, however, for an individual to join the Network with a member organization. Individual membership offers the same level of access to the Network as Ally membership, and we recommend Individual membership to, for example, consultants and students. Staff members of Full or Ally member organizations are not required to apply for Individual membership. Applicants seeking Individual membership are required to provide a reference from a current Network member and meet our eligibility requirements.